4 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants to Restore Your Smile
If you’re missing a permanent tooth, it’s important to fill the gap. Missing permanent teeth can impact the way you chew your food, can leave you feeling self-conscious, and can even cause the teeth in your mouth to shift slightly. Your dentist in Albany, NY, can help you with dental implants. Dental implants are an important dental tool that can help you maintain a mouth full of functional, healthy teeth.
1. Dental Implants Look Natural
Dental implants look like natural teeth. Your dentist will match your dental implant to the color of your other teeth. The crown on your implant will be custom-made to ensure it fits perfectly in your mouth. When the dental implant is installed, it will look like it always belonged there.
2. Dental Implants Feel and Work Like Natural Teeth
You won’t be able to feel a difference between your dental implants and your natural teeth. Once the dental implant is in place, you’ll be able to talk and chew just like you always did.
3. Dental Implants Restore Your Smile After Losing a Tooth
If you’re unhappy about having a gap between your teeth, your dental implant will take care of that problem. Your smile will look like it always did before you lost your tooth.
4. Replacing A Missing Tooth Is Good For Your Other Teeth
Replacing a missing tooth is good for your other teeth. Teeth can shift when there’s a gap in the mouth, leading to problems with your jaw and bite. When you install a dental implant, you won’t have to worry about that problem. Do you need dental implants in Albany, NY? Call today to make your dental appointment.